Longleaf Forever

Longleaf Forever | Redfish Film Fest

Longleaf Forever is a short documentary film that plunges viewers into one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. Home to hundreds of rare plants and animals, longleaf pine forests once covered 90 million acres in the American South. Today, conservationists and land managers are turning a history of habitat loss and decline into a hopeful environmental story of renewal. We hear from women and men who care passionately about these landscapes and the species which live within them: a forester in rural Georgia, a Native longleaf needle basket maker, a young Black botanist, and fire ecologists who study the essential role of regular cycles of fire in the health of longleaf forests. Made with assistance from the GA Dept of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Division, The Longleaf Alliance, and The Environmental Resources Network (TERN).

Longleaf Forever poster | Redfish Film Fest

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Redfish Film Fest | Documentary Film Festival | Panama City, Florida